- For other uses, see Toxic Mist (disambiguation).
Toxic Mist is a pyromancy in Dark Souls III.
In-Game Description
- Unique pyromancy of Eingyi that never gained currency in the Great Swamp.
- Creates an intense poison mist.
- Driven from the Great Swamp, they say that at the end of his journey, Eingyi happened upon a virulent poison and a young lady.
Found in the Smouldering Lake, on a corpse in a lava pool located behind an illusory wall in a room with three Hound Rats in it. After the exit to the right in the hallway with the Smouldering Ghru, it will be down some stairs on the left-hand side and is found on the visible first corpse.
In order to survive the trip inside the lava, there are many strategies that can be followed and combined before venturing inside. The main idea is to slow down the loss of HP enough to allow the player to heal and advance a bit further, until they have successfully retrieved the item and returned to solid ground.
Possible survival techniques include:
- Wearing pieces of armor that each provide the best Fire resistance from all other armor collected so far.
- Making sure one is a Host of Embers in order to have a larger HP pool, thus having a better chance of surviving between heals.
- Casting Flash Sweat.
- Consuming a Red Bug Pellet.
- Equipping rings that provide useful effects, such as:
- Flame Stoneplate Ring (increases Fire resistance)
- Estus Ring (gives 20% more HP when drinking from the Estus Flask)
- Chloranthy Ring (increases stamina regeneration rate)
- Equipping gear that provides HP regeneration, like the Sun Princess Ring and the Ancient Dragon Greatshield.
The caster reels back, then exhales a deep cloud of toxic mist, inflicting 12 Toxic buildup per tick to foes that stand in it. The cloud persists for 6 seconds.
Buildup is static and is not affected by rings or spell buffs.
- The virulent poison and young lady that Eingyi encountered are likely the blight pus and Quelaag's Sister, respectively.