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The Siegbräu is a consumable item in Dark Souls III.

In-Game Description

Special brew of Siegward of Catarina.
Perfect for travel in its jolly barrel mug.
Restores HP and temporarily boosts frost resistance.
Leave it to Siegward to discover a drink that even an Undead can enjoy. Perhaps his long years spent Undead have left him wanting to drain a cup or two and revel as if he were still among the living.


Up to three Siegbräus can be collected in a single playthrough in the base game, all of them presented by Siegward of Catarina during various stages throughout his questline:

Two more per playthrough can be obtained in Dark Souls III: The Ringed City:

  • If the player obtains the Titanite Slab in the Earthen Peak Ruins swamp without Amnesiac Lapp's assistance, he will toast the player and give them a Siegbräu. Otherwise, once he has moved on to the Ringed Inner Wall, a Siegbräu will be left at his location near this bonfire.
  • Once the player meets Lapp within the Ringed Inner Wall, he will toast them and give them a Siegbräu.


Restores HP for 20% of your maximum plus an additional 100 and boosts Frost resistance by 150 for 60 seconds. As an item buff, the Frost resistance cannot stack with that provided by Mossfruit.



  • Sieg means "victory" in German. Bräu comes from gebräu, which is German for "brew".