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Dark Souls Wiki

For the Dark Souls II variant, see Poison Throwing Knife (Dark Souls II).
For the Dark Souls III variant, see Poison Throwing Knife (Dark Souls III).

The Poison Throwing Knife is an offensive item in Dark Souls.

In-Game Description

Throwing knives have limited range and accuracy compared to arrows, but offer a quick-and-easy ranged attack.
When a foe is poisoned, it will continually take damage over a period of time.


General Information[]

Used in a similar fashion to Throwing Knives, Poison Throwing Knives also inflict Poison buildup on top of its regular damage. They have a Thrust attack power of 60 and cause 55 poison build up.The Poison Throwing Knife has a relatively high buildup value and damage output when compared to other weapons that inflict poison.

Once inflicted, its Poison deals 4 damage per second over a duration of 3 minutes, totaling 720 points of damage.
