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The Mace of the Insolent is a hammer in Dark Souls II.

In-Game Description

The mace of formerly high-ranking clerics. It is combined with a sacred chime, and can cast miracles and hexes with strong attack.
The clerics held venerated positions once, but now, their souls wander aimlessly in the depths of a murky darkness.
Effect: use miracle and hex (strong attack)


Located in the Undead Crypt in the pit, after encountering two Imperious Knights.


The Mace of the Insolent is a powerful weapon. It deals a total of three damage types, can cast any magic that a Chime can and has an average weight for a hammer.

Once upgraded, the weapon favors its Dark-based damage over the other two, and for this reason it is advised to give it a Dark infusion as it will significantly increase its damage output. This can prove especially effective for hexers, as it becomes a strong catalyst while still being useful in melee combat.

This weapon should be viewed similarly to other weapons that double as catalysts, like the Blue Flame, and their strategies also apply accordingly, for instance, using two Maces of the Insolent means that the player can buff them with either Sunlight Blade or Resonant Weapon and then powerstance them to get additional attack moves while still being able to cast spells.


  • Cannot cast hexes that require a staff to cast.


Standard Variation Base Values Scaling Percentages Damage Reduction
Icon DaSII PhyAtkWpn Icon DaSII MagAtkWpn Icon DaSII FireAtkWpn Icon DaSII LtnAtkWpn Icon DaSII DarkAtkWpn Icon DaSII PsnAtkWpn Icon DaSII BldAtkWpn Icon DaSII Str Bonus Icon DaSII Dex Bonus Icon DaSII Mag Bonus Icon DaSII Fire Bonus Icon DaSII Ltn Bonus Icon DaSII Dark Bonus Upgrade II Poison Upgrade II Bleed Upgrade II Enchanted Upgrade II Mundane Icon DaSII PhyRed Icon DaSII MagRed Icon DaSII FireRed Icon DaSII LtnRed Icon DaSII DarkRed Icon DaSII PsnRed Icon DaSII BldRed Icon DaSII PetrifyRed Icon DaSII CurseRed Icon DaSII Stability
Mace of the Insolent +0 50 30 30 (25%) D (25%) C (10%) E (20%) D 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mace of the Insolent +1 (Titanite Shard ×1) 55 36 43 (25%) D (25%) C (10%) E (20%) D 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mace of the Insolent +2 (Titanite Shard ×2) 60 42 56 (25%) D (25%) C (10%) E (20%) D 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mace of the Insolent +3 (Titanite Shard ×3) 65 48 69 (25%) D (25%) C (10%) E (20%) D 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mace of the Insolent +4 (L. Titanite Shard ×1) 70 54 82 (25%) D (25%) C (10%) E (20%) D 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mace of the Insolent +5 (L. Titanite Shard ×2) 75 60 95 (25%) D (25%) C (10%) E (20%) D 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mace of the Insolent +6 (L. Titanite Shard ×3) 80 66 108 (25%) D (25%) C (10%) E (20%) D 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mace of the Insolent +7 (Titanite Chunk ×1) 85 72 121 (25%) D (25%) C (10%) E (20%) D 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mace of the Insolent +8 (Titanite Chunk ×2) 90 78 134 (25%) D (25%) C (10%) E (20%) D 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mace of the Insolent +9 (Titanite Chunk ×3) 95 84 147 (25%) D (25%) C (10%) E (20%) D 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mace of the Insolent +10 (Titanite Slab ×1) 100 90 160 (25%) D (25%) C (10%) E (20%) D 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40

Requires: Mace of the Insolent, Faintstone and 2,000 souls for Infusion.

Upgrade II Magic Magic Variation Base Values Scaling Percentages Damage Reduction
Icon DaSII PhyAtkWpn Icon DaSII MagAtkWpn Icon DaSII FireAtkWpn Icon DaSII LtnAtkWpn Icon DaSII DarkAtkWpn Icon DaSII PsnAtkWpn Icon DaSII BldAtkWpn Icon DaSII Str Bonus Icon DaSII Dex Bonus Icon DaSII Mag Bonus Icon DaSII Fire Bonus Icon DaSII Ltn Bonus Icon DaSII Dark Bonus Upgrade II Poison Upgrade II Bleed Upgrade II Enchanted Upgrade II Mundane Icon DaSII PhyRed Icon DaSII MagRed Icon DaSII FireRed Icon DaSII LtnRed Icon DaSII DarkRed Icon DaSII PsnRed Icon DaSII BldRed Icon DaSII PetrifyRed Icon DaSII CurseRed Icon DaSII Stability
Magic Mace of the Insolent +0 45.8 16.5 27.5 27.5 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (17.5%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 26.66 27.91 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Magic Mace of the Insolent +1 (Titanite Shard ×1) 50.4 17.6 33 39.4 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (18%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 26.66 27.91 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Magic Mace of the Insolent +2 (Titanite Shard ×2) 55 18.7 38.5 51.3 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (18.2%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 26.66 27.91 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Magic Mace of the Insolent +3 (Titanite Shard ×3) 59.5 19.8 44 63.2 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (18.4%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 26.66 27.91 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Magic Mace of the Insolent +4 (L. Titanite Shard ×1) 64.1 20.9 49.5 75.1 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (18.6%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 26.66 27.91 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Magic Mace of the Insolent +5 (L. Titanite Shard ×2) 68.7 22 55 87 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (18.9%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 26.66 27.91 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Magic Mace of the Insolent +6 (L. Titanite Shard ×3) 73.3 23.1 60.5 99 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (19.1%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 26.66 27.91 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Magic Mace of the Insolent +7 (Titanite Chunk ×1) 77.9 24.2 66 110.9 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (19.3%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 26.66 27.91 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Magic Mace of the Insolent +8 (Titanite Chunk ×2) 82.5 25.3 71.5 122.8 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (19.5%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 26.66 27.91 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Magic Mace of the Insolent +9 (Titanite Chunk ×3) 87 26.4 77 134.7 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (19.8%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 26.66 27.91 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Magic Mace of the Insolent +10 (Titanite Slab ×1) 91.6 27.5 82.5 146.6 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (20%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 26.66 27.91 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40

Requires: Mace of the Insolent, Firedrake Stone and 2,000 souls for Infusion.

Upgrade II Fire Fire Variation Base Values Scaling Percentages Damage Reduction
Icon DaSII PhyAtkWpn Icon DaSII MagAtkWpn Icon DaSII FireAtkWpn Icon DaSII LtnAtkWpn Icon DaSII DarkAtkWpn Icon DaSII PsnAtkWpn Icon DaSII BldAtkWpn Icon DaSII Str Bonus Icon DaSII Dex Bonus Icon DaSII Mag Bonus Icon DaSII Fire Bonus Icon DaSII Ltn Bonus Icon DaSII Dark Bonus Upgrade II Poison Upgrade II Bleed Upgrade II Enchanted Upgrade II Mundane Icon DaSII PhyRed Icon DaSII MagRed Icon DaSII FireRed Icon DaSII LtnRed Icon DaSII DarkRed Icon DaSII PsnRed Icon DaSII BldRed Icon DaSII PetrifyRed Icon DaSII CurseRed Icon DaSII Stability
Fire Mace of the Insolent +0 45.8 16.5 27.5 27.5 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (17.5%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 7.91 46.66 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Fire Mace of the Insolent +1 (Titanite Shard ×1) 50.4 17.6 33 39.4 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (18%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 7.91 46.66 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Fire Mace of the Insolent +2 (Titanite Shard ×2) 55 18.7 38.5 51.3 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (18.2%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 7.91 46.66 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Fire Mace of the Insolent +3 (Titanite Shard ×3) 59.5 19.8 44 63.2 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (18.4%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 7.91 46.66 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Fire Mace of the Insolent +4 (L. Titanite Shard ×1) 64.1 20.9 49.5 75.1 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (18.6%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 7.91 46.66 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Fire Mace of the Insolent +5 (L. Titanite Shard ×2) 68.7 22 55 87 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (18.9%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 7.91 46.66 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Fire Mace of the Insolent +6 (L. Titanite Shard ×3) 73.3 23.1 60.5 99 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (19.1%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 7.91 46.66 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Fire Mace of the Insolent +7 (Titanite Chunk ×1) 77.9 24.2 66 110.9 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (19.3%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 7.91 46.66 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Fire Mace of the Insolent +8 (Titanite Chunk ×2) 82.5 25.3 71.5 122.8 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (19.5%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 7.91 46.66 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Fire Mace of the Insolent +9 (Titanite Chunk ×3) 87 26.4 77 134.7 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (19.8%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 7.91 46.66 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Fire Mace of the Insolent +10 (Titanite Slab ×1) 91.6 27.5 82.5 146.6 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (20%) C (8.3%) E (16.6%) D 42.91 7.91 46.66 27.91 37.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.91 40

Requires: Mace of the Insolent, Boltstone and 2,000 souls for Infusion.

Upgrade II Lightning Lightning Variation Base Values Scaling Percentages Damage Reduction
Icon DaSII PhyAtkWpn Icon DaSII MagAtkWpn Icon DaSII FireAtkWpn Icon DaSII LtnAtkWpn Icon DaSII DarkAtkWpn Icon DaSII PsnAtkWpn Icon DaSII BldAtkWpn Icon DaSII Str Bonus Icon DaSII Dex Bonus Icon DaSII Mag Bonus Icon DaSII Fire Bonus Icon DaSII Ltn Bonus Icon DaSII Dark Bonus Upgrade II Poison Upgrade II Bleed Upgrade II Enchanted Upgrade II Mundane Icon DaSII PhyRed Icon DaSII MagRed Icon DaSII FireRed Icon DaSII LtnRed Icon DaSII DarkRed Icon DaSII PsnRed Icon DaSII BldRed Icon DaSII PetrifyRed Icon DaSII CurseRed Icon DaSII Stability
Lightning Mace of the Insolent +0 49.5 39.6 29.7 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (12%) E (18%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 36.66 39.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Lightning Mace of the Insolent +1 (Titanite Shard ×1) 54.4 47.5 42.5 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (12%) E (18%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 36.66 39.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Lightning Mace of the Insolent +2 (Titanite Shard ×2) 59.4 55.4 55.4 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (12%) E (18%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 36.66 39.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Lightning Mace of the Insolent +3 (Titanite Shard ×3) 64.3 63.3 68.3 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (12%) E (18%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 36.66 39.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Lightning Mace of the Insolent +4 (L. Titanite Shard ×1) 69.3 71.2 81.1 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (12%) E (18%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 36.66 39.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Lightning Mace of the Insolent +5 (L. Titanite Shard ×2) 74.2 79.2 94 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (12%) E (18%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 36.66 39.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Lightning Mace of the Insolent +6 (L. Titanite Shard ×3) 79.2 87.1 106.9 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (12%) E (18%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 36.66 39.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Lightning Mace of the Insolent +7 (Titanite Chunk ×1) 84.1 95 119.7 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (12%) E (18%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 36.66 39.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Lightning Mace of the Insolent +8 (Titanite Chunk ×2) 89.1 102.9 132.6 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (12%) E (18%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 36.66 39.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Lightning Mace of the Insolent +9 (Titanite Chunk ×3) 94 110.8 145.5 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (12%) E (18%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 36.66 39.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Lightning Mace of the Insolent +10 (Titanite Slab ×1) 99 118.8 158.4 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (12%) E (18%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 36.66 39.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40

Requires: Mace of the Insolent, Darknight Stone and 2,000 souls for Infusion.

Upgrade II Dark Dark Variation Base Values Scaling Percentages Damage Reduction
Icon DaSII PhyAtkWpn Icon DaSII MagAtkWpn Icon DaSII FireAtkWpn Icon DaSII LtnAtkWpn Icon DaSII DarkAtkWpn Icon DaSII PsnAtkWpn Icon DaSII BldAtkWpn Icon DaSII Str Bonus Icon DaSII Dex Bonus Icon DaSII Mag Bonus Icon DaSII Fire Bonus Icon DaSII Ltn Bonus Icon DaSII Dark Bonus Upgrade II Poison Upgrade II Bleed Upgrade II Enchanted Upgrade II Mundane Icon DaSII PhyRed Icon DaSII MagRed Icon DaSII FireRed Icon DaSII LtnRed Icon DaSII DarkRed Icon DaSII PsnRed Icon DaSII BldRed Icon DaSII PetrifyRed Icon DaSII CurseRed Icon DaSII Stability
Dark Mace of the Insolent +0 49.5 29.7 39.6 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (9%) E (24%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 29.16 46.66 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Dark Mace of the Insolent +1 (Titanite Shard ×1) 54.4 35.6 56.7 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (9%) E (24%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 29.16 46.66 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Dark Mace of the Insolent +2 (Titanite Shard ×2) 59.4 41.5 73.9 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (9%) E (24%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 29.16 46.66 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Dark Mace of the Insolent +3 (Titanite Shard ×3) 64.3 47.5 91 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (9%) E (24%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 29.16 46.66 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Dark Mace of the Insolent +4 (L. Titanite Shard ×1) 69.3 53.4 108.2 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (9%) E (24%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 29.16 46.66 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Dark Mace of the Insolent +5 (L. Titanite Shard ×2) 74.2 59.4 125.4 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (9%) E (24%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 29.16 46.66 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Dark Mace of the Insolent +6 (L. Titanite Shard ×3) 79.2 65.3 142.5 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (9%) E (24%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 29.16 46.66 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Dark Mace of the Insolent +7 (Titanite Chunk ×1) 84.1 71.2 159.7 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (9%) E (24%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 29.16 46.66 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Dark Mace of the Insolent +8 (Titanite Chunk ×2) 89.1 77.2 176.8 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (9%) E (24%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 29.16 46.66 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Dark Mace of the Insolent +9 (Titanite Chunk ×3) 94 83.1 194 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (9%) E (24%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 29.16 46.66 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40
Dark Mace of the Insolent +10 (Titanite Slab ×1) 99 89.1 211.2 (16.9%) E (16.9%) D (9%) E (24%) D 44.16 9.16 29.16 29.16 46.66 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.16 40

Requires: Mace of the Insolent, Poison Stone and 2,000 souls for Infusion.

Upgrade II Poison Poison Variation Base Values Scaling Percentages Damage Reduction
Icon DaSII PhyAtkWpn Icon DaSII MagAtkWpn Icon DaSII FireAtkWpn Icon DaSII LtnAtkWpn Icon DaSII DarkAtkWpn Icon DaSII PsnAtkWpn Icon DaSII BldAtkWpn Icon DaSII Str Bonus Icon DaSII Dex Bonus Icon DaSII Mag Bonus Icon DaSII Fire Bonus Icon DaSII Ltn Bonus Icon DaSII Dark Bonus Upgrade II Poison Upgrade II Bleed Upgrade II Enchanted Upgrade II Mundane Icon DaSII PhyRed Icon DaSII MagRed Icon DaSII FireRed Icon DaSII LtnRed Icon DaSII DarkRed Icon DaSII PsnRed Icon DaSII BldRed Icon DaSII PetrifyRed Icon DaSII CurseRed Icon DaSII Stability
Poison Mace of the Insolent +0 45.8 27.5 27.5 88 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (12.5%) E (25%) D (15%) 42.91 7.91 27.91 27.91 37.91 31.66 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Poison Mace of the Insolent +1 (Titanite Shard ×1) 50.4 33 39.4 90.2 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (12.5%) E (25%) D (15.1%) 42.91 7.91 27.91 27.91 37.91 31.66 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Poison Mace of the Insolent +2 (Titanite Shard ×2) 55 38.5 51.3 92.4 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (12.5%) E (25%) D (15.2%) 42.91 7.91 27.91 27.91 37.91 31.66 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Poison Mace of the Insolent +3 (Titanite Shard ×3) 59.5 44 63.2 94.6 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (12.5%) E (25%) D (15.2%) 42.91 7.91 27.91 27.91 37.91 31.66 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Poison Mace of the Insolent +4 (L. Titanite Shard ×1) 64.1 49.5 75.1 96.8 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (12.5%) E (25%) D (15.3%) 42.91 7.91 27.91 27.91 37.91 31.66 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Poison Mace of the Insolent +5 (L. Titanite Shard ×2) 68.7 55 87 99 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (12.5%) E (25%) D (15.4%) 42.91 7.91 27.91 27.91 37.91 31.66 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Poison Mace of the Insolent +6 (L. Titanite Shard ×3) 73.3 60.5 99 101.2 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (12.5%) E (25%) D (15.4%) 42.91 7.91 27.91 27.91 37.91 31.66 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Poison Mace of the Insolent +7 (Titanite Chunk ×1) 77.9 66 110.9 103.4 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (12.5%) E (25%) D (15.5%) 42.91 7.91 27.91 27.91 37.91 31.66 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Poison Mace of the Insolent +8 (Titanite Chunk ×2) 82.5 71.5 122.8 105.6 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (12.5%) E (25%) D (15.6%) 42.91 7.91 27.91 27.91 37.91 31.66 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Poison Mace of the Insolent +9 (Titanite Chunk ×3) 87 77 134.7 107.8 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (12.5%) E (25%) D (15.6%) 42.91 7.91 27.91 27.91 37.91 31.66 12.91 12.91 12.91 40
Poison Mace of the Insolent +10 (Titanite Slab ×1) 91.6 82.5 146.6 110 (15.6%) E (15.6%) D (12.5%) E (25%) D (15.7%) 42.91 7.91 27.91 27.91 37.91 31.66 12.91 12.91 12.91 40

Requires: Mace of the Insolent, Raw Stone and 2,000 souls for Infusion.

Upgrade II Raw Raw Variation Base Values Scaling Percentages Damage Reduction
Icon DaSII PhyAtkWpn Icon DaSII MagAtkWpn Icon DaSII FireAtkWpn Icon DaSII LtnAtkWpn Icon DaSII DarkAtkWpn Icon DaSII PsnAtkWpn Icon DaSII BldAtkWpn Icon DaSII Str Bonus Icon DaSII Dex Bonus Icon DaSII Mag Bonus Icon DaSII Fire Bonus Icon DaSII Ltn Bonus Icon DaSII Dark Bonus Upgrade II Poison Upgrade II Bleed Upgrade II Enchanted Upgrade II Mundane Icon DaSII PhyRed Icon DaSII MagRed Icon DaSII FireRed Icon DaSII LtnRed Icon DaSII DarkRed Icon DaSII PsnRed Icon DaSII BldRed Icon DaSII PetrifyRed Icon DaSII CurseRed Icon DaSII Stability
Raw Mace of the Insolent +0 57.5 34.5 34.5 (6.3%) E (6.3%) E (7.5%) E (15%) E 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Raw Mace of the Insolent +1 (Titanite Shard ×1) 63.2 41.4 49.4 (6.3%) E (6.3%) E (7.5%) E (15%) E 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Raw Mace of the Insolent +2 (Titanite Shard ×2) 69 48.3 64.4 (6.3%) E (6.3%) E (7.5%) E (15%) E 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Raw Mace of the Insolent +3 (Titanite Shard ×3) 74.7 55.2 79.3 (6.3%) E (6.3%) E (7.5%) E (15%) E 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Raw Mace of the Insolent +4 (L. Titanite Shard ×1) 80.5 62.1 94.3 (6.3%) E (6.3%) E (7.5%) E (15%) E 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Raw Mace of the Insolent +5 (L. Titanite Shard ×2) 86.2 69 109.2 (6.3%) E (6.3%) E (7.5%) E (15%) E 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Raw Mace of the Insolent +6 (L. Titanite Shard ×3) 92 75.9 124.2 (6.3%) E (6.3%) E (7.5%) E (15%) E 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Raw Mace of the Insolent +7 (Titanite Chunk ×1) 97.7 82.8 139.1 (6.3%) E (6.3%) E (7.5%) E (15%) E 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Raw Mace of the Insolent +8 (Titanite Chunk ×2) 103.5 89.7 154.1 (6.3%) E (6.3%) E (7.5%) E (15%) E 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Raw Mace of the Insolent +9 (Titanite Chunk ×3) 109.2 96.6 169 (6.3%) E (6.3%) E (7.5%) E (15%) E 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Raw Mace of the Insolent +10 (Titanite Slab ×1) 115 103.5 184 (6.3%) E (6.3%) E (7.5%) E (15%) E 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40

Requires: Mace of the Insolent, Magic Stone and 2,000 souls for Infusion.

Upgrade II Enchanted Enchanted Variation Base Values Scaling Percentages Damage Reduction
Icon DaSII PhyAtkWpn Icon DaSII MagAtkWpn Icon DaSII FireAtkWpn Icon DaSII LtnAtkWpn Icon DaSII DarkAtkWpn Icon DaSII PsnAtkWpn Icon DaSII BldAtkWpn Icon DaSII Str Bonus Icon DaSII Dex Bonus Icon DaSII Mag Bonus Icon DaSII Fire Bonus Icon DaSII Ltn Bonus Icon DaSII Dark Bonus Upgrade II Poison Upgrade II Bleed Upgrade II Enchanted Upgrade II Mundane Icon DaSII PhyRed Icon DaSII MagRed Icon DaSII FireRed Icon DaSII LtnRed Icon DaSII DarkRed Icon DaSII PsnRed Icon DaSII BldRed Icon DaSII PetrifyRed Icon DaSII CurseRed Icon DaSII Stability
Enchanted Mace of the Insolent +0 50 30 30 (8.8%) E (8.8%) E (5%) E (10%) E (17.5%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Enchanted Mace of the Insolent +1 (Titanite Shard ×1) 55 36 43 (8.8%) E (8.8%) E (5%) E (10%) E (18%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Enchanted Mace of the Insolent +2 (Titanite Shard ×2) 60 42 56 (8.8%) E (8.8%) E (5%) E (10%) E (18.2%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Enchanted Mace of the Insolent +3 (Titanite Shard ×3) 65 48 69 (8.8%) E (8.8%) E (5%) E (10%) E (18.5%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Enchanted Mace of the Insolent +4 (L. Titanite Shard ×1) 70 54 82 (8.8%) E (8.8%) E (5%) E (10%) E (18.7%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Enchanted Mace of the Insolent +5 (L. Titanite Shard ×2) 75 60 95 (8.8%) E (8.8%) E (5%) E (10%) E (18.9%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Enchanted Mace of the Insolent +6 (L. Titanite Shard ×3) 80 66 108 (8.8%) E (8.8%) E (5%) E (10%) E (19.1%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Enchanted Mace of the Insolent +7 (Titanite Chunk ×1) 85 72 121 (8.8%) E (8.8%) E (5%) E (10%) E (19.4%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Enchanted Mace of the Insolent +8 (Titanite Chunk ×2) 90 78 134 (8.8%) E (8.8%) E (5%) E (10%) E (19.6%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Enchanted Mace of the Insolent +9 (Titanite Chunk ×3) 95 84 147 (8.8%) E (8.8%) E (5%) E (10%) E (19.8%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Enchanted Mace of the Insolent +10 (Titanite Slab ×1) 100 90 160 (8.8%) E (8.8%) E (5%) E (10%) E (20%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40

Requires: Mace of the Insolent, Old Mundane Stone and 2,000 souls for Infusion.

Upgrade II Mundane Mundane Variation Base Values Scaling Percentages Damage Reduction
Icon DaSII PhyAtkWpn Icon DaSII MagAtkWpn Icon DaSII FireAtkWpn Icon DaSII LtnAtkWpn Icon DaSII DarkAtkWpn Icon DaSII PsnAtkWpn Icon DaSII BldAtkWpn Icon DaSII Str Bonus Icon DaSII Dex Bonus Icon DaSII Mag Bonus Icon DaSII Fire Bonus Icon DaSII Ltn Bonus Icon DaSII Dark Bonus Upgrade II Poison Upgrade II Bleed Upgrade II Enchanted Upgrade II Mundane Icon DaSII PhyRed Icon DaSII MagRed Icon DaSII FireRed Icon DaSII LtnRed Icon DaSII DarkRed Icon DaSII PsnRed Icon DaSII BldRed Icon DaSII PetrifyRed Icon DaSII CurseRed Icon DaSII Stability
Mundane Mace of the Insolent +0 25 15 15 E E (5%) E (10%) E (100%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mundane Mace of the Insolent +1 (Titanite Shard ×1) 27.5 18 21.5 E E (5%) E (10%) E (100%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mundane Mace of the Insolent +2 (Titanite Shard ×2) 30 21 28 E E (5%) E (10%) E (100%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mundane Mace of the Insolent +3 (Titanite Shard ×3) 32.5 24 34.5 E E (5%) E (10%) E (100%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mundane Mace of the Insolent +4 (L. Titanite Shard ×1) 35 27 41 E E (5%) E (10%) E (100%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mundane Mace of the Insolent +5 (L. Titanite Shard ×2) 37.5 30 47.5 E E (5%) E (10%) E (100%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mundane Mace of the Insolent +6 (L. Titanite Shard ×3) 40 33 54 E E (5%) E (10%) E (100%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mundane Mace of the Insolent +7 (Titanite Chunk ×1) 42.5 36 60.5 E E (5%) E (10%) E (100%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mundane Mace of the Insolent +8 (Titanite Chunk ×2) 45 39 67 E E (5%) E (10%) E (100%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mundane Mace of the Insolent +9 (Titanite Chunk ×3) 47.5 42 73.5 E E (5%) E (10%) E (100%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40
Mundane Mace of the Insolent +10 (Titanite Slab ×1) 50 45 80 E E (5%) E (10%) E (100%) 45 10 30 30 40 15 15 15 15 40



Dark Souls 2 Mace of the Insolent Tutorial (dual wielding w power stance)

Aldia HammerBarbed ClubBlacksmith's HammerBlack Dragon WarpickClubCraftsman's Hammer
Handmaid's LadleHomunculus MaceMaceMace of the InsolentMorning StarReinforced Club