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Galib, God of Disease[1] is a mentioned character in Dark Souls II.


Galib was worshiped by the Leydia apostles as the "god of disease"[2].

After the witches were welcomed into the Undead Crypt and ended up residing beside the Fenito[3], they gained access to their power of death and disease[4]. However at a certain point the Leydia Witches grew conceived and began to manipulate both the onset and curing of disease, making themselves the effective gatekeepers of the crypt[5], implying their desires to control the powers of their god and administer the crypt.


  • It is possible to theorize that "Galib, God of Disease" is the name that the Leydia Witches used to continue to venerate Gravelord Nito after his name was lost over the centuries[6], as not only is Galib connected to "diseases" in the way in which Nito was connected to deadly miasmas[7] but the Fenito, creatures created by the Ancient Lord[8], welcomed the Leydia Witches into the Undead Crypt[9] and shared the power of death with them[10], implying that there was cultural and ideological common ground between the two to collaborate, at least initially.



  1. Name-engraved Ring selection.
  2. Leydia Black Set description.
  3. Leydia Black Hood description.
  4. Magic Shield (shield) and Leydia Black Hood descriptions imply that Leydia Witches had access to the death-giving power of the Fenito to manipulate it.
  5. Leydia Black Hood and Leydia White Hood description.
  6. Sweet Shalquoir dialogue.
  7. Gravelord Sword description.
  8. Grave Warden Agdayne dialogue.
  9. Leydia Black Hood description.
  10. Magic Shield (shield) and Leydia Black Hood descriptions imply that Leydia Witches had access to the death-giving power of the Fenito to manipulate it.