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The Demon's Catalyst is a catalyst in Dark Souls.

In-Game Description

Demon catalyst formed from Izalith molten rock. Can be used as fire weapon. The Demon Firesage was the first demon, and the last master of the original fire arts before the Witch of Izalith was engulfed by Chaos, creating pyromancy.


Dropped by the Demon Firesage upon defeat.


The Demon's Catalyst is the second-heaviest catalyst in the game to the Manus Catalyst, which weighs one unit more. It has one of the lowest potential magic adjusts of any catalyst, being the lowest until 41 Intelligence where it surpasses the Oolacile Ivory Catalyst and Oolacile Catalyst. It trades these things for being a powerful melee weapon, dealing Fire and Thrust damage with its strong attack. The high strength and dexterity scaling will have a powerful effect on dark sorceries, as the physical damage dealt by those sorceries are boosted by those stats. Overall the Demon's Catalyst should be considered as a weapon that is effective with dark sorceries, but is not as effective with regular sorceries.

Magic Adjust[]

Intelligence Magic Adjust
10 106
15 110
20 130
25 150
30 170
35 175
40 180
45 185
50 190
99 200



  • The original Japanese description for the Demon's Catalyst is "デーモンの炎司祭は、最初のデーモンであり イザリスの魔女が混沌に飲まれる前の 呪術でない、炎の魔術の最後の使い手だった".
    A more accurate translation of this description would be "The Demon Priests of the Fire were the first Demons and the last users of fire sorceries; these were magic from the time when the Witch of Izalith had not yet been devoured by Chaos and in which there were not yet the arts of pyromancy".