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Agdayne's Black Robe
Physical Defense 93 Poise 0
Strike Defense 98 Poison Resist 55
Slash Defense 90 Bleed Resist 38
Thrust Defense 90 Petrify Resist 48
Magic Defense 54 Curse Resist 65
Fire Defense 52
Lightning Defense 48 Durability 65
Dark Defense 72 Weight 5.8
Required & Bonus Attributes
Required Strength Required Dexterity Required Intelligence Required Faith Physical Defense Bonus
Type Chest Armor

Agdayne's Black Robe is a chest armor in Dark Souls II. It is part of Agdayne's Set.

In-Game Description

Robe worn by Agdayne of the Undead Crypt.
Life itself is suffering; or karma, as some have called it.
The embrace of death awaits all things, but does death mean an end to suffering?



This armor offers very high elemental defenses and status resistances. It also offers relatively high physical defense for a piece this light. This makes it a very good chest piece for its weight.


Variation Physical Defenses Elemental Defenses Resistances
Physical Defense Strike Defense Slash Defense Thrust Defense Magic Defense Fire Defense Lightning Defense Dark Defense Poison Resist Bleed Resist Petrify Resist Curse Resist
Agdayne's Black Robe 93 98 90 90 54 52 48 72 55 38 48 65
Agdayne's Black Robe +1 (Twinkling Titanite ×1 & 1150 souls) 102 107 99 99 59 57 52 79 60 41 52 71
Agdayne's Black Robe +2 (Twinkling Titanite ×1 & 1430 souls) 111 117 108 108 64 62 57 86 66 45 57 78
Agdayne's Black Robe +3 (Twinkling Titanite ×2 & 1720 souls) 120 127 117 117 70 68 62 93 71 49 62 84
Agdayne's Black Robe +4 (Twinkling Titanite ×2 & 2290 souls) 129 137 126 126 75 73 67 100 73 53 67 91
Agdayne's Black Robe +5 (Twinkling Titanite ×3 & 2580 souls) 139 147 135 135 89 79 72 108 83 57 72 98