What is the best way to play coop for dark moon blades? I mean at what lvl and weapon upgrade, on which locations I can easily find a host? Tried on all locations from road of sacrifices to Irithyll with weapon +4 and 40 level, nothing finds. Ofc low lvl, but its better to ask first before doing any lvlups
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My own list for underrated would be something like:
5. Sunken Valley - Very beautiful, with strong stealth and grappling hook gameplay, and surprising visual variety and connectivity with other areas.
4. No-Man's Wharf - Atmospheric. Ganks are punishing when rushing through but fair and rewarding when patient and clever. Strong storytelling through art, gameplay, and inference.
3. New Londo Ruins - Great lore, super atmospheric, and strong level design. Love the Darkwraiths, while the ghosts are interesting if annoying at times. Best lord soul boss despite being the only one absent from intro.
2. The Gutter - Best usage of the darkness/low visibility mechanic in series. Very layered level design that isn't too precarious but just enough to build tension, and its extremely gratifying to witness your progression by lighting more and more torches.
1. Undead Settlement - Still has some of the better layout in the series, lots of enemy types with encounters that reward the observant player, two strong minibosses, a lot of new NPCs, and great visual variety despite initial impressions.
While for overrated it would be:
5. Inner Ward - Just a bit. Great level but could never understand why so many see it as the best area in DeS.
4. Forsaken Castle Cainhurst - Visuals are amazing, sure, but story and gameplay are good. Just good. I mean, pretty linear design with as much as three different rooms just being overloaded with ghost ladies.
3. Anor Londo - Exceptional visuals and story, but gameplay ranges between some of the best in DS1, and some of the most annoying and unimaginative enemy placement and level design in the game.
2. Drangleic Castle - Walking up to it is great, but the visuals never reach that level again. Gameplay is quite decent but that's all. Did not live up to the hype.
1. Cathedral Ward - Looks way too similar to Central Yharnam. The art direction doesn't do the best job of selling what its story is supposed to be and thus doesn't do a good enough job to distinguish it; it just feels like more Yharnam. Enemies are pretty strong and varied, but level design is less so. While it has multiple paths of progression, each of those paths is narrow with little to no interconnectivity with or layering over or under the other paths, limiting the sense of exploration. One of those is outright BS with the need to do the usual Souls-style, ultra-janky platforming in the HC Workshop, and is probably the worst example of it in the series next to the Flamelurker shortcut.
TLDR; using Lloyd's Talismans on a mimic seems to count towards the total amount of mimics killed in that playthrough, meaning that the player could get the guaranteed Symbol of Avarice early
In my past 4 few playthroughs, I have been using the 4 free Talismans on the first Mimic in Sen's Fortress just to see how it worked and if it even worked. Then afterward, I go ahead and kill that one and move on.
First time this happened, I killed the 2 Mimics that had the coins and a SoA dropped. Thought it was neat, lucky drop I thought, and moved on.
Second time, the exact same occurred. 4 talismans, 3 mimic kills, SoA on the 3rd mimic. I thought that this must just be a lucky coincidence and moved on.
Third time. Exact. Same. That was then I started getting suspicious.
This current playthrough I did this whole thing one more time just to see if I was going crazy. I mean, that 1% chance couldn't have possibly triggered 3 times in a row on that one single Mimic, could it?
Nope. Happened again.
So, could y'all please confirm if I'm going crazy? Has this been noted anywhere? I'd think after all this time there'd be documentation about this.
Hello everyone. I am writing here because Lies of P does not have its own full-fledged fandom, as far as I understand. If anyone has found out, tested, then tell me, will there be an increase in elemental damage from the "Talent" characteristic? Purely theoretically and from the point of view of logic, I come to the conclusion that yes, there will be an increase in damage for the simple reason that the innate elemental damage of some weapons increases when pumping this characteristic, but doubts are still present one way or another. If anyone knows, then please tell me.
Also, if someone has information, then how much longer will the effect of elemental whetstones increase? Using a stopwatch, I came to the conclusion that initially it lasts 39 seconds (I started timing from the moment when the character completely lowered the weapon after sharpening with an elemental whetstone).
Happy thanksgiving 2024, dark souls fans!
136 Votes in Poll
Can I post stories here that are different from my characters? It's in the same world as DARK SOULS, but with a completely different promise
All weapon and equipment tables are not readable in light theme
Who is ariamis? Is he or she related to ariandel
I read some articles related to women in Dark Souls whom have half-dragon features. The Painter, Yorshka, Priscilla. And all of them have assumptions/interpretations some user came with and is labeling them as canon. Last I checked this was not Fextralife. Why are they meddling with stuff that is not confirmed?
For example, NOWHERE, is it said that Priscilla had a relation with Gywn, Nowhere it is said that Yorshka and The Painter are Priscilla's children. And that contradicts the articles too. The articles say that Painter is a descendant of Ariamis, yet says that she is a daughter of Priscilla, just because she is called a "lady" and she is scales and a tail.
Where does it say Yorshka and the Painter are daughters of Priscilla?
And I check the edit history and it is the same user AndreaPz01 who is using his headcanon and interpretation and using it as confirmed canon.
Please someone help. I'm so desperate I've come to this dead wiki. PW is NoU69 at the andre bonfire
Ds3 :
So I was trying to get the master of rings
achievement I have all the rings but the wolf ring is +1 and I haven’t got the achievement do I need to get the original wolf ring
Any excuses for the Japanese names of the bosses
Adjudicator + Sinpansya
Armor Spider + Kumo
Storm King + Akemono
Flamelurker + Honokaijin
Ive recently inrtoduced to souls games (started playing DS remastered) and ive saw lots of videos of people with 3 straight green arrows down the hp bar
And i dont know how to get them, i dont kow if i need to get rings, objecrs or anything else.
Ps: im from spain so if there is something bad written is because of that.
If I go above level 120 (for example, 150/200 for ng pluses) will it be harder to do pvp/co-op?