What is the best way to play coop for dark moon blades? I mean at what lvl and weapon upgrade, on which locations I can easily find a host? Tried on all locations from road of sacrifices to Irithyll with weapon +4 and 40 level, nothing finds. Ofc low lvl, but its better to ask first before doing any lvlups
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Dark Souls III
If I'm embered and in an area where the boss is already dead, can I still be invaded by covenants, like the Watchdogs of Farron in the Crucifixion Woods?
Does anyone have any strategies to reliably fight him without parrying? I'm just about done with NG+, but I've only been carried to the win by my sheer damage.
Which armor setup would yield the most fire damage resist?
Should I respec to a good build for the Onyx Blade? I'm currently at the Soul of Cinder and using a Dragonslayer's Greataxe. Would it be worth it to do it now, or wait until I beat him?
1: Ancient Wyvern, died twice simply because I didn't know how to plunge attack and fell to my death.
2: Curse-Rotted Greatwood, hard to see what he's doing.
3: Yhorm, easy and anticlimactic, only took 2 hits.
4: Deacons, the Cathedral Knights stood more of a threat than these guys.
5: Champion Gundyr, stripped him of the second phase, which was the best part.
6: Iudex Gundyr, Champion but easier and cool second phase.
7: Crystal Sage, first try, underwhelming even though I came in with barely any flasks.
8: Vordt, good boss, just not too detailed.
9: Dancer, good, but the attacks sometimes feel unfair
10: Abyss Watchers, great boss, but getting killed because the second watcher revived and decided to spinslash you before you knew he was there sucked.
11: Wolnir, the skeletons hit me more than him, but the sword reveal was great.
12: Consumed King, had to cheese him, but he was still very fun.
13: Old Demon King, easy to punish and got to sadistically sit there when he fell down at the end.
14: Pontiff Suluvahn, liked his moveset and the cloning is a great time to punish
And finally... 15: Dragonslayer Armour, moveset and design was great, wouldn't change a thing.
Is there any covenant in DSlll (excluding Watchdogs) that doesn't rely on PvP. Because I don't have an online account but I want to join a different covenant, would that be possible?
1: How do you equip the Watchdogs of Farron covenant item? It's not a ring, and I don't reme,ber seeing it in my inventory.
2: Will you still be summoned to fight players entering Farron in offline mode?
Everyone I heard talk about Dark Souls said that sorcerer was the easiest class to play as. Well I just finished my sorcerer playthrough on DS3 and I have to say it was not the easiest. My other playthroughs were a cleric, knight and herald. I actually found sorcerer slightly more difficult than all three of those especially more than knight which was a breeze.
I thought it was funny and was curious to see other people's opinions on which class is easiest/hardest.
How do I fix my ds3 framerate, DS2 works fine.
If you wish to spice up your NG+ gameplay in Dark Souls 3, I have this idea for a challenge: Play as an Enemy.
The rules are simple: At each map you must cosplay one enemy, and you can only wear their armor and use their weapons (even if you lack the skills for magic/heavy weapons, but you can respec at Rosaria 3 times if you want.) The reason why NG+ is because you'll need almost every enemy armor and weapon.
So, stages and armor:
Cementery of Ash: Deprived (base deprived equipment)
High Wall of Lothric: Hollow soldier (Deserter set+helmet. Weapons: Straight sword and iron round shield.)
Undead Settlement: Peasant Hollow (full Worker set + wooden hammer)
Road of Sacrifices: Lycantrope hunter (worker set minus the hat + pike)
Cathedral of the Deep: Evangelist (Evangelist set + Spiked Mace + Gnaw miracle and Sacred Flame for the fire hug)
Farron Keep: Darkwraith (Full Dark set + Dark Sword and Dark Hand)
Catacombs of Carthus: Carthus Swordman (Loincloth + Carthus Curved Sword or Carthus Shotel)
Smouldering Lake: Black Knight (Full Black Knight set + Black Knight Greatsword/Greataxe and Black Knight Shield)
Irithyl of the Boreal Valley: Pontiff Knight (Full Pontiff Knight set + Pontiff Knight Curved Sword.)
Anor Londo: Silver Knight (Full Silver Knight set. Due to the lack of Silver Knight weapons, you can use Black Knight Weapons)
Irithyl Dungeon: Jailer (Jailer set + Soldering Iron)
Profaned Capital: Jailer Handmaid (Jailer set + Handmaid's dagger and Great Fireball. You can use Storm Ruler against Yhorm)
Lothric Castle: Lothric Knight (Full Lothric Knight set + Lothric Knigth sword and shield or Lothric Knight Greatsword)
Consumed King's Garden: Consumed Garden Knight (Same armor and weapons as the Cathedral Knight. Mace and Shield or Greatsword)
Untended Graves: Grave Warden (Full Warden set and Warden's Twinblades)
Grand Archives: Grand Archive Scholar (Scholar Robe and Scholar's Candlestick.)
Archdragon Peak: Drakeblood Knight (Full Drakeblood armor and weaponry)
Kiln of the First Flame: Knight Solaire
Painted World of Ariandel: Farron Follower (Full Follower armor, but you can use all of their weapons: Javelin, Saber, Shield, and Torch)
Dreg Heap: Harald Legion Knight (Full Harald Knight set and weapon)
Ringed City: Ringed Knight (Full Ringed Knight set + Sword and Shield or Spear and Greatshield or Twinblades)
Pygmy Throne: Any boss you can cosplay fully (Abyss Watcher, Dancer, Nameless King, Soul of Cinder, Dragonslayer Armour, Prince Lorian, Crystal Sage, Sister Friede, Champion's Gravetender)
Additional notes:
- All bosses must be dealth with their area's set equipment (ex: Dancer must be beat as Hollow Soldier)
- 3 Respecs at Rosaria
- Tool usage is allowed (except for Dragon Stones)
- No player or NPC summons
- Against the Twin Princes you can go as a Lothric Knight, as the Scholar would be poop against them
It's just my idea, but it can be fun to do.
I'd like to farm sunlight medals, where is a good spot to place my summon sign?
No DLC locations, I've killed all 5 Lords of Cinder, and I play on Xbox One.
Edit: I'm level 102.
So apparently that giant is supose to try shooting at me before I get to talk to him. But in my game (first playthrough, I'm still at the beggining), he was already friendly from the start, and when I got to him, the dialogue was already set to "I help anytime". A friend pointed this out to me, explaining how it's not the normal dialogue. He was making fun of me for having memory loss since I dont remember talking to the giant before, and unless my friend is right, some bug happened that made the giant think I had talked to him before I even got to him. Is this a known bug?
Hello guys. I'm new to ds3. Actually im new do the while series. I only played/finished sekiro. Can anyone suggest a 70 level strength build for a new player?
I'm currently making a new NG+ run and I was wondering that if I get the 5 dark sigils for LoH ending, do they come with me to the next NG+ too, or do I get rid of them?