I think this is literally the most off-topic video I posted it blew up for no actual reason
I think this is literally the most off-topic video I posted it blew up for no actual reason
Dark Souls 2 is not bad. Why does everyone hate it so bad?
This is Dark Souls, no wonder most people voted Dark Souls.
Who actually likes the throne duo?
WHY in the world was the channel who posted ALL of the Dark Souls 1 - 3 soundtracks terminated? I went on YouTube today and the playlist of the Dark Souls 1 soundtrack was gone. I was confused at first, so I searched him up... ALL OF HIS VIDEOS ARE GONE. Was it copyright or something? I actually have no idea. One of my videos, "Alex gets blown up" used the song "The Pursuer" by Yuka Kitamura from Dark Souls II. Now that he got terminated, I have no idea where to credit Yuka.
76 Votes in Poll
Nito got destroyed by me 3rd try.
Yeaaah, so fought them with Gravelord Sword +4, Smough's Armor, and level 84. They were easy as heck. Although I ran out of Estus Flask and killed but I killed him second try. Wasn't that hard.
This is my first playthrough. It was not that bad honestly. It was easier without Solaire lol. I killed Ornstein first and spammed Smough with soul arrows until I ran out and did the last 11-12 hits with my Large Club+10. Those stupid Royal Sentinels were the boss for me.
This took forever because I had to find all the files, so please enjoy :) It's not done yet
Here we go.
Asylum Demon - Most Reskined
Taurus Demon - Second place for Most Clumsy
Bell Gargoyles - Least Health
Capra Demon - Most Annoying
Gaping Dragon - Most Intimidating
Moonlight Butterfly - Most Boring
Stray Demon - Most Cheapest
Chaos Witch Quelaag - Most Weirdest Cutscene
Ceaseless Discharge - Worst Boss
Demon Firesage - Most Lazy Design
Great Gray Wolf Sif - Most Cutest/Sadest
Rest tomorrow
I said easiest boss.
Thanks, killed that idiot today after a few tries along wth Quelaag.
The first game, but if it's Dark Souls II, definitely that
I do that, but then when about a fourth of his health is gone, he always does it twice which doesn't give me enough time to heal and I die. And yes, the only attacks he does to me is that butt slam and downwards plunge. That club can do 208 damage max
76 Votes in Poll
I am level 45, my weapon is a Large Club +5, and Fall Control and magic shield. That stupid attack keeps killing me no matter what, I'M TRYING TO KILL IT. I can beat that boss if he didn't have that annoying attack!