Just randomly does anyone have any theories about in- game things?
Just randomly does anyone have any theories about in- game things?
He claims he has a business. Our lovely firekeeper seems to have a dark background, without tongue and being blood-stained. I'm willing to bet a twin humanity Lautrec got wind of her whereabouts from the people she fled from, and he was assigned to get her back... which he probably never meant to do. In fact, being accompanied by his two buddies, he appears to me to be a kind of bounty hunter.
Maybe that's why he's judged guilty by Gwyndolin, proven by his ear trophy. He's breaking legal bounty contracts to snatch souls for his own purpose.
However, I doubt he's loyal to Fina. He is apparently hunted by the Darkmoon Blades, so he must be defiant of the gods, just like Darkwraiths. The orb being black must mean he is even more guilty, so... heretical? Mind you, the gods aren't even there, except for Gwyndolin.
And I do not think he was by accident in the hall before Ornstein. If my theory is correct and he is betraying the gods and hunting down big souls/humanity... Well, Gwynevere looks rather big to me. And divine. I don't think he's aware Gwynevere is not a maiden, but an illusion. And he is standing in front of the fog gate with his squad because he's preparing to overcome his last obstacle for another (presumed) extraordinary soul... that obstavcle being Ornstein. The dead Lautrec body on the balcony? Yup, that's from a timeline where we didn't kill him... but Ornstein did!
He is found inside the hall afterall. Maybe he got chased by Ornstein and Smough or even get smashed there.
It is also not impossible that he managed to defeat them before killed by the Chosen Undead, so he could have met Gwynevere already (maybe Gwyndolin would ready a different illusion for him, though. I guess all who enter Anor Londo are being watched by the Gods.)
Though I'm thinking that it is far more likely he got caught before he challenges the Boss, and he would be unlikely to be able to beat them after we kill him, as he lost the Goddess' favor (we got his ring when we killed him).
I think Solaire is the Firstborn Son. There is overwhelming evidence that he is, and a handful of shoddy evidence that he isn't.
In hindsight, after DS3 is now out, Solaire is in fact NOT the firstborn sun of Gwyn. In DS3 there is a boss known as the "Nameless King" who is the firstborn sun of Gwyn who inherited the sunlight from his father (Gwyn) and fought as a dragon-slayer. He uses the miracles sunlight blade and great lightning spear. Ornstein was the first knight to train under him. At some point he lost to the annals and was punished by being stripped of his deific status and expunged from history. No trace of him exists such as statues and the sunlight blade miracle was left on Gwyns coffin.
I understand this is complete hindsight now and no different then when speculation in DS2 suggested the ancient dragon at the top of the Dragon Shrine (who gives us the ashen mist) was Aldia when DLC debunked it by displaying Aldia as the firey twig monster that appears in particular bonfires with lore dialogue and becomes an eventual boss after Nashandra.Quote:
They are both not referred to as mother of pyromancy. In the beginning, they are mastered an art of "fire-bending" making storms. Quelanna is the one who created the art of pyromancy (a novice idea compared to fire-weaving" and taught it to salaman who taught it elsewhere.
So, Heres a theory: Dark souls II and Dark souls III take place in two different timelines. What If each ending in the First game leads to a different reality, and each reality hosting a different game. My reason for thinking this comes from How in DSII, The events of DSI are practically forgotten, yet then in DSIII, the events of DSI are still somewhat known (They arent remembered very well, but the are remembered better then they were in DSII), while the events of DSII might as well of not happened. For me, this just doesn't make sense, Why is DSI forgotten in DSII, while DSI is remembered in DSIII while DSII is forgotten? The only explanation for this discrepancy that I could find is that the games happen in seperate time lines, And given how there are Two endings in the original game, This time line seems plausible. For example, Lets say linking the fire leads to the events of DSII, while leaving the flame to die leads to DSIII. Im curious to know what people think of this, because I have yet to find a similar theory anywhere else.
From what I remember, DaS2 took place in a far away land. Despite the amount of familiar weapons and armour, it would make sense that the beings of DaS2 would not remember the events of Anor Londo, a place possibly thousands of miles away. I've read speculation that Gwynevere fled to the land in DaS2 with Flame God Flann, which may provide a little bit of explanation as to why there are so many familiar weapons and armour around. Not to mention it's said that giants came from across the sea, what's the chance that regular sized undead didn't too?
Technically any players world is a different timeline. You may be summoned by Solaire to help defeat Gwyn in his world, and afterwards he Links the Fire. While in your world, after you kill your Gwyn, you may choose the Dark Lord ending, thus creating a different continuity.
It's up to Miyazaki to decide which endings are truly cannon, if there are any. Although I think the continuity goes like - Link the Fire > Link the Fire (or may be reject to LtF) > Dark Lord.
Ornstein, the Old Dragonslayer and the Dragonslayer's Armor
I think I mentioned this a few times, but since I'm already here, why not add it? I think I have a theory on how these dudes are connected.
First, Ornstein. I think we thought an illusion in Anor Londo. Probably created by the power of his ring, which he left behind. Proof being *spolier, obviously* his armor in the Dragon Peak, yet his ring in Irithyll. We know Gwyndolin's illusion can be quite corporeal, and it also has interesting implications regarding his strength... The Four Knights are described to be formidable, yet a normal, only slightly more ambitious undead trots along beating ornstein AND the Executioner? No, I think ANY of the Four Knights would have easily kicked our backsides before we had amassed sufficient lordsouls. In-game, Arty was not himself and severely wounded. Gough, the sharpshooter, was blind. Ciaran excels in surprise attacks, and frankly, we got the drop on HER. And Ornstein? Being an illusion would fit the theme of him being handicapped, so to say. No, we could have never defeated the real dude. but he left for the Peak, only Smough stayed behind. Dutiful squire...
Second, the Old Dragonslayer. I think this dude is also quite close to an illusion. More like a mirage, drawn from the Chasm of Old to serve as a challenge to Apostles of Blue. okay, I'm not sure on why he's there. It just makes the most sense to me him being a test, as Targray doesn't seem to be worried about him being there. With the chasm of Old being his origins, it would explain his dark powers and why he dons dark armor, just like the dark Havel dude in the chasm itself. Note how darkdiver grandahl has a certain chime that has surprising use for a Blue Sentinel's WoG, but is rather useless for Grandahl himself. Maybe targray dropped it in the chasm when he summoned the old Dragonslayer? Just a theory. Oh, and the Old Dragonslayer ring is a copy, of course. That's why we see the original "polished" Dragonslayer Ring in DS3. However, unlike Ornstein's illusion, the Old Dragonslayer seems to be even more physical...
Dragonslayer's Armor. Now, this one puzzles me still, but its presence makes sense under certain... compromises. Firstly, I don't think this was Ornstein's armor. Big O's armor was golden. There is just no way it would turn grey like this without suffering heavy damage, rendering it useless. Just look at it, it appears scorched, but brass and the likes would retain some shimmer of gold even when burned. Pure gold would probably just melt away. But Ornstein's, the DRAGONslayer's armor would probably be at least mediocre at fending off fire stains. Plus, Ornstein took his original armor with him to the Peak. We don't know if he actually had multiple sets of armor. It's possible, but we don't know. No, I think these are the remains of the previous Old Dragonslayer. We can't loot his armor, so it probably was left behind. The chaos butterflies (chaos being connected to life-giving) just patched it up, deforming it a bit in the process, and gave it a RANDOM lightning-imbuedd greataxe. Yup, a RANDOM one. Nowhere does it say Ornstein or the Old dude used a greataxe. it was always a spear. I think that Dragonslayer's part refers to the armor, not the person it used to wear. And it explains why the armor can use lightning, despite being dark and probably drawn from the chasm. Note how it cannot initiate lightning by itself, but has to rely on the weapon art.
Okay, that wraps it up. Like I said, it's just a theory, as with pretty much everything in the souls loreverse. I think it makes somewhat sense, but feel free to disagree! And feel even more free to AGREE! ;P
Oh, yes, Ornstein's soul. Not as clear as the other things, buuut... It could either be a copy or could be his actual soul. We know from Vendrick that you can actually live without your sould. We know from the Old Dragonslayer you can actually have similar souls with similar strength, much like a copy. It could also be just a part of Ornstein's original soul, much like Gwyn split his. Whatever is true, I'm sure it helped in creating Ornstein's illusion, much like we use boss souls to re-create the boss weapons.
Speaking of ornstien, I have a different but related theory about him. I think that we did kill him back in Anor Londo (Or atleast Smough did), and that he didn't necessarily "Survive", but rather, he lived on, as a disembodied spirit. Now then, My reason for thinking this comes from the Black Knights. The Black Knights themselves are described as "Dismbodied Spirits", which would imply that they are really just a possessed suit of armor. So perhaps something similar happened to ornstein. assuming this is true, it would expand the possibilities as to why his armor is just found laying on the ground in the Archdragon peak, as if he were to be "killed", then his armor wouldn't exactly have a corpse to be found on.
That could be it. By Gwyn spitting his soul, Oristein perhaps spilt his soul for the illusion. Reason why we saw him (I think) in Dark Souls 2.
Theory: Solaire is Gywn's firstborn, stripped of his rights an status as firstborn by Gwyn
Why: Solaire is/was a homosexul
- Lore - Solaire's dialogue coinciding with lore -- "oh dear forget I ever mentioned it" (having feelings for him in Another Londo) -- he's small as compare to his sister gwynevere